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How to talk to your Customers about Coronavirus?

“Live to Eat and Eat to Live" is the primary cover that makes us decent breadwinners. Well to evidence this, we all have that one most likely cuisine and favorite of all time. How so ever it may be, food lightens and boost up our entire emotion rush with a mere thought of relishing it. For that point, a restaurant has been a great savior, pal, and the best source of entertainment of all time.

Since the country is seeing an emergency, the entire market of different sectors is bullied by an unprecedented situation. Business, Stand-alone shops, and most importantly the Restaurants operation are undergoing deep losses.


Due to the whole havoc, customers have proscribed expenditure on the restaurant's food ordering. As a result, restaurant sales may go down for your business, but there is still a huge opportunity to win with your customers by building their trust in your restaurant as a brand.

Needless to say, online marketing of your restaurant can always be a hit to bull’s eye. But sometimes offline practices leaves the customer touched from within. Implementing both will not only help restaurants stay connected to the customers but also engages restaurant businesses in trust and brand building.

Here are some tips that will help restaurants talk to your customers amid the corona pandemic:


The purpose of the email is to outline what your restaurant is doing as a brand in the wake of the Coronavirus. Firstly ask them to be safe in this entire panic and establish that faith in meeting their expectation in the coming week. Keep it simple and touched –like make them feel that you care for them. Avoid being promotional in this email. Try to give them the least information like for will restaurants open after lock down? Are you open now? Or you can lead them with a number to be addressed for further queries.

Quick tip: Design the email templates in more of a personal way like mentioning their names. If you have a record of the executive assigned for the customer during their arrival, make the email go by that name on behalf of the entire restaurant team.


This is the right time you can make your customers look at things from your eyes. Help them learn about the course of action you are taking to bat COVID-19 panic. Share with your customers the practices and precautions your brand is taking to care for your employees. Explain that restaurants have adhered to high-frequency hand washing and other health and safety measures. Then, you can communicate how you've increased these safety precautions by having your staff wear gloves or masks.

If you are closed for dine-in service, tell them that you have expanded your delivery radius and started delivering family-style meals. Be a little wired yet savvy- Thank them for not coming to dine in and maintaining the safety for themselves and all.

Quick tip: Miss and match different cuisines with other cuisine and put them as a new menu every day. Be a little creative and post the menu on social media saying like "today's special” or “ Today’s take-out / Dine-in menu”. During the Lock down, still, be their source of entertainment. This time not by serving food but by serving funny engaging elements on your daily feed-stuff.

Tip Jar

Speak your heart out and address your customers that this isn’t business as usual, and ask for support and empathy in this difficult time, if needed. Place the jar somewhere at the attention point and add thanksgiving quote for helping in your tough times. You can also prepare a digital tip jar for giving your customers a way to support you from the ease of their space. 

Quick Tip: Put envelop and ask them to write their name on the envelope. Since everybody likes to be praised, you can flash their names on social media ascending them a token of thanks. You can also send them personalized messages to their registered number with you (if any).

Ramp up the Restaurant Website

Many businesses have molded themselves under the current scenario. If your restaurant is one of them, then educate your customers about it. Announcing the changes made in the daily operation of the restaurant business on the social media platforms will require a link to help them connect to these changes made. Show-off and portray them that you are doing the best of what you can. 

Quick Tip: You can keep a suggestion Jar asking for your customers' feedback or ideas they would like you to incorporate during this period. If you like any tell them that you got inspired by their idea and you are moving ahead with it. This will give them a sense of belongingness. Have multiple channels of outreach- phone, email, and social media. Get their questions answered the fastest.


If you are closed for dine-in service then the only way you can take a trump is to catch and promote on online ordering channels. Promote your contact-less delivery. Let your customers know whether to order from your website or an app, what pickup and delivery options you offer, and what your hours are.

Quick tip: Come up with different discount models. Make a Side dish go complementary on the entire order. Promote your contact-less delivery and contact-less payments. Maintain that transparency of precaution you take right from making food to food packaging to making the delivery.

And Last but not least!!


If someone was there for you in your needed time, won’t you treat back the person lavishly? Exactly..! Reward people for maintaining their consistency in you. They have been the real gem to you. Provide them with coupons or vouchers to avail after the lock down gets lifted.


Where everything can be laced with an alternative, unfortunately, food bears no alternatives. Not only for the one hard on their cooking skills, they need a food savior but also the populace who have been missing their favorite delicacies need it. Take advantage of it. Grab every inch of the opportunity in this lock down period. Believe that you are doing a courageous and generous deed leaving the business apart – and earn those brownie points.

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