Whether you run your independent small restaurant or you are the CEO of a large multi-chain restaurant. You have to face the same problem in introducing new technology in your Restaurant. The problem is how to introduce new technology successfully in your Restaurant?
This article will explain the solution of this problem. Here are the 6 steps to be taken while rolling out new technology in your restaurant.
Make sure it work properly
Before installing an app or software, test it completely to ensure that it will work properly because any app or software will get only one chance for making their first impression. If any error occurs in it or it is hard to use, then employees will ignore it. So, make sure it works effectively before taking it in front of employees.
Identify the technophile in your Restaurant
Identify one person from each location who you think is a tech expert. Make them product champion. Indulge them in the process of implementing new technology, first of all introduce them with technology, then train them and take their feedback on the same, if they find it familiar then give them the responsibility to train other employees.
Why is it Beneficial?
Your employees are human beings. You cannot forcefully make them adopt your system. You have to tell them the benefits of a new system or software for them, so that they can understand how this system will be gainful for them and you will see how they start taking initiative in adopting new technology.
Don't skip Training
First thing to do after introducing new technology is to give training to employees. You have to tell them how this system will work, what they have to do, how they have to do it. You should guide them properly so that they can implement a new system. As the actual work has to be done by employees you have to make sure that they will understand the new concept completely.
Offer Extensive Support
Give powers to the product champion to be the first line of support. Employees of each location will ask their queries to their respective product champion. If he/she doesn't know the solution, give him/her time to solve the problem. Make sure that he/she can get all needed information to solve the problem, so that they can further give advice to other employees.
Implement a Feedback process
Once you implement the new system, the next thing you have to do is to take feedback from employees. This will help you in identifying the problems faced by the employees in adopting the new technology and you can solve them. Also, rewards them when they quickly adopt the things and perform the given tasks in less time. This will boost their morale and they will work more efficiently.
These are the steps you should follow while introducing new technology in your restaurant. Successfully implementation of new technology can increase your margins and also the cost of doing changes can also be reduced. Hope you like our content if yes, then subscribe to us for more.